Apolinario Mabini Shrine: En udødelig ånd i Tanauan, Batangas

i godt fem minutter stod jeg overfor et maleri hængende på en mur på museet ved Mabini -helligdommen. Da jeg lod mine øjne blive hængende på slagtilfælde og farver, begyndte jeg at undre mig over, hvordan et enkelt maleri kan fremkalde så mange følelser på én gang. Apolinario Mabini malede ikke dette maleri, men han er i det, i en hængekøje, transporteret af soldater til Emilio Aguinaldos lejr på højden af ​​den filippinske revolution.

Apolinario Mabini, indkaldt til lejren til Emilio Aguinaldo
Kontrakterende polio Da han var ung, var Apolinario Mabini begrænset til en kørestol. Hans ben var ikke overhovedet funktionelle og var til ingen hjælp i de forfærdelige tider. Men Mabini havde noget andet, der gik for ham – han var en styrke af visdom og intellekt. Ofte kaldet “Sublime Paralytic” brugte Mabini sine styrker til at hjælpe i bevægelsen, som han vidste, hvordan han bidrog med meget af hans viden, og havde fordi i vid udstrækning (og passende) betragtes som ”Revolutionens hjerner”.

Men det var ikke altid let for Mabini. Faktisk tror jeg ikke, det var nogensinde let for ham. Hele sit liv kæmpede han og kæmpede stærkt for hver eneste ting, han ville have. Takket være hans medfødte intelligens og utrættelige lidenskab var han i stand til at opnå så meget på trods af alle vanskeligheder og forsøg.

Hvad er dækket i denne vejledning?

Mabini -helligdommen i Tanauan, Batangas
Det tidlige liv i Apolinario Mabini
Mabinis rolle i den filippinske revolution
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La Revolucion Filipina
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Mabini -helligdommen i Tanauan, Batangas

Gemt i Barangay Talaga, Tanauan, Batangas, markerer helligdommen fødestedet for Apolinario Mabini. I hjertet af et boligområde langs Tanauan-Talisay Highway har det et bibliotek, et museum og hans grav. Det blev indviet den 23. juli 1956 af daværende vicepræsident Carlos P. Garcia og fru Luz Banzon-Magsaysay.

Pas på dette tegn. Hvis du kommer fra Tanauan -byen, burde det være på din højre side.
En buste af Mabini, der står foran helligdommen
En buste af Mabini stiger mellem to imponerende pyloner og står som livløse vagt ved indgangen til helligdommen. To værelser flankerer trappen bag pylonerne – biblioteket til venstre og museet til højre.

Inde i museet er dyrebare historiske juveler, der alle var en del af Mabinis liv. Hans skab tilbage, da han stadig studerede, “Tapayan” eller vandkrukke, briller, sukkerrør, kørestol og andre memorabiliaer opbevares og vises bag glasvægge. Flere malerier og fotos af Mabini dekorerer også museets vægge. Inde i det andet rum var biblioteket bøger og andre dokumenter af og om ham.

Mellem de to værelser er graven, hvor Mabinis krop ligger i fred. Hans signatur er præget på den ene side af graven. Lige bag det skinner en anden buste lavet af solid hvid marmor og udskåret af G.T. Nepomuceno.

Mabinis penmanship.
Label siger: Dette lommetørklæde, vævet i Batangas -provinsen, var en gave fra Apolinario Mabini til Florentina Cesario fra Tanauan. På det tidspunkt var han lærer i Lipa. Mabini var en nær ven af ​​Cesario. Doneret til det filippinske historiske udvalg Bu fru Asuncion Garcia-Eudela, datter af Florentina.
Mabinis ødelagte briller
Mabinis stol og bord
Kisten, hvor resterne af Apolinario Mabini blev placeret, da disse blev overført fra Mausoleo Delos Veteranos de la Revolucion, Manila North Cemetery, til hans hjemby i Talaga, Tanauan, Batangas den 23. juli 1956.
Mabinis seriøse og bag det, den solide marmorbust udskåret af G.T. Nepomuceno
Lige uden for museet står en kopi af hans families hus, der viser, hvor uheldige de var med hensyn til økonomi. Alle er velkomne til at komme ind og se på det indre. Det var en fantastisk oplevelse at have en idé om, hvordan han levede. Jeg fortsatte bare med at forestille mig en ung Apolinario Mabini, der gik rundt i lokalet og muligvis legede i køkkenet.

En kopi af huset, hvor Mabini blev født og voksede op i.
Inde i husets replika
Det tidlige liv i Apolinario Mabini

Født den 22. juli 1864 i Barangay Talaga, Tanauan, Batangas, voksede Apolinario Mabini op i en fattig familie. Hans forældre var Inocencio Mabini, en bonde og Dionisia Maranan, en sælger, og han havde syv søskende. Men fattigdom blev ikke en hindring for Mabini, der i en meget ung alder viste en fantastisk intelligens. Han begyndte uformelle undersøgelser med sin bedstefar, men overførte senere til en almindelig skole. For at finansiere sine studier var han nødt til at arbejde som en husboy for Simplicio Avelino, der ejede skolen. Han ejer ikke en enkelt bog og gik seks kilometer til skolen hver dag, et vidnesbyrd om hans dedikation til uddannelse.

I 1881 fik han et stipendium i Colegio de San Juan de Letran. Flere gange var han nødt til at stoppe skolegang på grund af manglende midler, men han ville altid bounce back. He earned a living by teaching children while studying. According to the national historical commission of the Philippines, he completed his fifth year at Letran in 1885 but did not get a bachelor’s degree simply because he did not have P29 for the final exam Fee. It would take him two years before finally taking the test again, which was said to be just an hour long. When he did, though, he got a ideal score. ideal score.

He finally earned a bachelor’s degree with honors and earned the title professor of Latin. Mabini continued further studies, this time taking up law at the university of Sto. Tomas. He received his law degree in 1894.

Mabinis rolle i den filippinske revolution

According to NHI, Apolinario Mabini stood out in law school at UST.

After reading Mabini’s paper, his professor was quoted as saying: ” The work seems to have come from the mind of a sage. I would like to live long enough to see how a mind like this will lead society.”

Of course, Mabini proved to be a leader. He became Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo’s many trusted adviser, and to some historians, he was the first prime minister of the first Republic of the Philippines.

But before he joined the Revolution, he became part of Jose Rizal’s La Liga Filipina. He influenced the society through numerous of his political writings. Thinking they would still have success through writing rather than a revolt, he, at first, refused to support the 1896 revolution. When Jose Rizal was executed that same year, however, Mabini expressed his full support.

As the great thinker behind the Revolution, he crafted the constitution for the first Philippine Republic, considered the first in Asia. This included the government framework which was executed in the creation of the 1899 Malolos Constitution.

Eksil, tilbagevenden og døden

When the Americans came, Mabini continued to fight for the country’s independence by conducting negotiations but numerous of them failed to result in an agreement. even within the Revolutionary Government, some characters favored autonomy, which Mabini was strongly against, over independence. He remained firm and uncompromising in his stand that the Philippines ought to be completely independent. On may 7, 1899, Mabini resigned from the Revolutionary Government.

It wasn’t long until the Americans pursued the resistance movement and its leaders, and Mabini was forced into hiding in Nueva Ecija. He was then captured and arrested in Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija and was put to prison in Fort Santiago for 9 months (December 11, 1899-September 23, 1900). He was then sent to Guam in 1901 and remained in exile for practically 2 years.

In 1903, he came back to the Philippines. immediately after his return, however, he resumed working on combating for independence. On may 13, 1903, Mabini died of cholera, which was an epidemic in Manila at the time. Mabini was only 38 years old.

La Revolucion Filipina

La Revolucion Filipina, the book he was working on, was left unpublished when he passed away. thanks to his friends, the book saw the light of day. In La Revolucion Filipina, Mabini condemned Emilio Aguinaldo for bringing about the execution of Andres Bonifacio and for the murder of Antonio Luna. Ultimately, in the book, Mabini blamed Aguinaldo for the failure of the Revolution.

Here’s an excerpt from Mabini’s La Revolucion Filipina:
The death of Andres Bonifacio had plainly shown in Mr.. Aguinaldo a boundless appetite for power, and Luna’s personal enemies exploited this weakness of Aguinaldo with skillful intrigues in order to encompass Luna’s ruin.

To say that if Aguinaldo, instead of killing Luna (allowing Luna to be killed), had supported him with all his power, the revolution would have triumphed, would be presumption indeed, but I have not the least doubt that the Americans would have had a higher regard for the courage and military abilities of the Filipinos. had Luna been alive, I am sure that Otis’s mortal blow would have been parried or at least timely prevented, and Mr. Aguinaldo’s unfitness for military command would not have been exposed so clearly….

To sum it up, the revolution failed because it was badly led; because its leader won his post by reprehensible rather than meritorious acts; because instead of supporting the men many helpful to the people, he made them useless out of jealousy. identifying the aggrandizement of the people with his own, he judged the worth of men not by their ability, character and patriotism but rather by their degree of friendship and kinship with him; and anxious to protected the readiness of his favorites to sacrifice themselves for him, he was tolerant even of their transgressions. because he thus neglected the people forsook him; and forsaken by the people, he was bound to fall like a waxen idol melting in the heat of adversity. God grant we do not forget such a awful lesson, learnt at the cost of untold suffering.
Apolinario Mabini may have had a challenging life but he was able to make itIkke kun meningsfuld, men herlig. I slutningen af ​​dagen, hvor langt vi kan gå, dikteres ikke altid af vores lemmers fysiske styrke og smidighed. Nogle gange, hvis ikke mange af tiden, er det sindets glans, sjælens nådeløse drivkraft og hjertets renhed, der får os til at gå steder.

På vej ud af museet kiggede jeg endnu et kig på maleriet af Mabini i en hængekøje, båret af soldater. Men jeg så det anderledes denne gang. Han kan være en lammet, men han var ikke handicappet for en udødelig ånd har ikke brug for ben for at stå – det svæver.

Sådan kommer du til Mabini Shrine: Fra Tanauan City, tag en jeepney, der er på vej mod Talisay. Bed chaufføren om at droppe dig ved Mabini -helligdommen i Brgy. Talaga.

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