ZHONGSHE / CHUNGSHE flower MARKET: travel guide + exactly how to get There (Taichung, Taiwan)

When I was a kid, there utilized to be a vacant great deal where my cousins as well as I liked to play every afternoon. Although mainly grassy, I still welcomed the sight of wildflowers right here as well as there. Butterflies were few, however what I delighted in the most was chasing dragonflies!

Today, that eco-friendly patch only exists in my memory. as well as so are the other fields that were converted into industrial properties as well as towering skyscrapers. Thankfully though, much more as well as much more land designers are including eco-friendly areas in the plans. flower parks are other efforts that double as traveler attractions.

One of the most vibrant flower parks that we have set foot on just recently was Zhongshe flower Market. likewise called Chung-she flower Garden, it covers about six hectares of land in Taichung City’s Houli district. It is widely known for its low-altitude tulip blooms every very first quarter of the year as well as the wonderful picture-perfect backdrops as well as props. aside from the tulips, it likewise features other flowers like sunflowers, sage, cosmos, rose, as well as numerous more.

For first-time visitors, right here are a few of the things you may want to understand before you go.


What are the operating hours of Chung-she flower Garden?
How much is the admission ticket?
When is the very best time to go?
How to get to Chung-she flower Market from TRA Taichung Station?Via Tai’an Station
Via Houli Station

What are the attractions inside the park?
Is there a close-by restaurant or food place?Can we still avail of the promotion if we show up early for lunch?
How much is the limitless BBQ meal per person?

Where can I get in touch with the administration for even more inquiries?
Other Chung-she flower Market Tips
Where to stay in TaichungSearch for much more Taichung Hotels!

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What are the operating hours of Chung-she flower Garden?

The flower park includes the actual flower garden Zone, BBQ Zone, as well as Potted culture Zone. The flower zone as well as the potted culture zone share the exact same operating hours. The BBQ zone likewise complies with the exact same hours on weekdays however has prolonged hours on weekends.

mandag til fredag
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
All Zones: flower Zone, Potted culture Zone, as well as BBQ Zone

Flower zone as well as Potted culture Zone: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
BBQ Zone: 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM

How much is the admission ticket?

The ticket rates differ depending upon the season or months. rates for children, senior citizens, as well as PWDs are half the routine adult tickets.

January to March: NT$ 150 (Adults) / NT$ 75 (Children, Seniors, PWDs)

April to December: NT$ 130 (Adults) / NT$ 60 (Children, Seniors, PWDs)


If you plan on dining at the BBQ zone, avail of the BBQ limitless Meal, which includes totally free admission to the flower park. We will talk about this later.

The adult age variety is 13-64 years old. For children, it is 3-12 years old. Finally, for seniors, it is 65 years old as well as above.

Buy the ticket at the counter found at the flower zone Entrance. From the primary gate, walk past the Potted culture zone as well as continue walking past the restroom as well as the BBQ Zone. You will reach the flower zone entrance after the household fun Park.

The flower zone is the only area that needs an admission ticket. All the other areas inside the flower zone is included in the entrance fee.

The park admission charge does not include other activities like the rides in the household fun Park area as well as the BBQ meal.

When is the very best time to go?

Well, it depends upon which flower bloom you want to see as well as experience. If you want to see the famed tulips, the very best months are January to March. For other months, there are other seasonal blooms that offer an similarly picturesque background for your picture sessions. Here’s a listing of flower blooms per month for reference:

January-March: cosmos, tulip, lily, vibrant calla lily, sage, rose, African touch-me-not, red sage, marigold, as well as water lily

April: exact same as January to March however without the tulips

May: sunflower, cosmos, lily, sage, sulphur cosmos, rose, African touch-me-not, red sage, marigold, as well as water lily

June: sunflower, sage, sulphur cosmos, rose, marigold, lotus, as well as water lily

July-August: sunflower, sage, sulphur cosmos, rose, lotus, as well as water lily

September: exact same as July to August however with red sage

October: sunflower, sage, sulphur cosmos, rose, red sage, as well as water lily

November: cosmos, lily, sage, sulphur cosmos, rose, African touch-me-not, red sage, as well as water lily

December: cosmos, lily, vibrant calla lily, sage, rose, African touch-me-not, red sage, marigold, as well som vandlilje

Hvordan kommer man til Chung-hun Flower Market fra Tra Taichung Station?

Tra Taichung Station er en af ​​de største stationer ikke kun i Taichung, men ligeledes i landet. Det er det allerbedste jump-off-punkt til Chung-hun Flower Market.

Via Tai’an Station

Fra Taichung Station skal du tage toget på West Line til Tai’an Station. Billetprisen er NT $ 34. Rejsetiden er ca. 35 minutter.

Fra Tai’an Station kan du enten tage et førerhus eller gå til Chung-hun Flower Market. CAB -billetprisen er $ 40 pr. Person (god til 5 PAX). Rejsetiden er omkring 5 minutter. Hvis du vælger at gå til fods, kommer du der på 15-30 minutter, afhængigt af dit tempo.

Via Houli Station

Fra Taichung Station skal du tage toget på West Line til Houli Station. Billetprisen er NT $ 31. Rejsetiden er ca. 30 minutter.

Fra Houli Station skal du tage et førerhus til Chung-hun Flower Market. CAB-billetprisen er $ 150-200. Du kan ligeledes tage Uber for ca. NT $ 80. Rejsetid er omkring 5 minutter.

Hvad er attraktionerne inde i parken?

Blomsterzone. Dette er den primære attraktion. Dette tager en stor del af parken op. Levende blomster tæppe jorden året rundt, men giver et andet look fra tid til anden, afhængigt af blomsterne i sæsonen. Fest dine øjne på de forskellige sorter af tulipaner, salvie, kosmos samt mere!

Foto baggrundsområder såvel som rekvisitter. Blomsterzonen er pebret af vidunderlige såvel som dejlige rekvisitter, der tjener som billedbaggrunde, ud over landemærker, inde i den omfattende blomsterpark. Chung-hun er en velkendt destination for en bryllupsbegivenhed eller en prenuptial fotografering. Bortset fra at være et charmerende sted, imødekommer det også husholdningen såvel som venner.

Familie sjov park. Dette område findes mellem blomsterzonen såvel som BBQ -zonen. Forud for indgangen til blomsterparken er husholdningens sjove park det afsnit, hvor børnene kan glæde sig over lette, men sjove rides såvel som andre børnevenlige aktiviteter.

BBQ Zone. Med en siddekapacitet på 800 mennesker anføres dette at være den største indendørs BBQ -placering i det centrale Taiwan. Glæde i et alt-du-kan-spise-måltid med en ubegrænset forsyning af kød såvel som andre grillkomponenter-svinekød, oksekød, kylling, pølse, tempura, tofu, grøntsager, suppe, toast, sort te, samt adskillige mere mere !

Potten kulturzone. Efter en sjov tid i blomsterparken kan du ligeledes tage hus med dig en plante eller to til souvenirs. De tilbyder potteplanter såvel som sukkulenter, blomsterfrø, grøntsagsfrø, planter, havearbejdsværktøjer samt materialer, gødning osv. Dette findes ved parkens primære indgang nær vejen.

Er der en tæt på restaurant eller madsted?

JA! Nå, du skulle forstå nu, at du fik Central Taiwans mest betydningsfulde indendørs grillplacering inde i parken – BBQ -zonen. Dette er en selvbetjeningsrestaurant, hvor du får alle komponenter fra det pantry-lignende område nær kassereren. Få en bakke såvel som at dumpe alt kød, grøntsager, kødboller samt skaldyr. Iced-te er fritflydende fra udpegede stationer omkring restauranten. Unli-ris? Det kan du tro!

Personalet vil forberede bordet samt tilbyde dig med madlavningsredskaber, papirplader, kopper, ske såvel som gafler samt væv. Tilbøringer tilbydes også.

Vent, der er mere! Hvis du vælger at spise her, vil du blive belønnet med en helt gratis adgangskort til blomsterzonen. Betydning, du kræver ikke at betale en separat gebyr for at komme ind.

VIGTIG! Hvis du vil benytte dig af BBQ Zone’s helt gratis adgangskort, skal du gå til BBQ -zonen først for at få billetten, selvom du ikke mener at spise i det øjeblik. Køb ikke direkte fra blomsterzonens billettæller. BBQ+billet combo vil stadig udgift nøjagtigt det samme, selvom du har en eksisterende billet, som du har købt fra blomsterzonen.

Kan vi stadig benytte os af forfremmelsen, hvis vi dukker op tidligt til frokost?

JA. Du går lige direkte til BBQ Zone’s kassererområde samt reserverer dine slots. Derefter er du helt fri til at gå ind i blomsterzonen, efter at du har præsenteret måltidet Stub/billet til personalet ved blomsterzonens billetdisk. Glæde ved at tjekke først, såvel som da kan du gå tilbage til BBQ -zonen, når du er sulten såvel som forberedt på at feste på den ubegrænsede grill.

Hvor meget koster det ubegrænsede BBQ -måltid pr. Person?

Det afhænger af månederne såvel som gæstens højde. Lige her er satserne:

Oktober til maj: NT $ 350 (over 140 cm) / NT $ 220 (100-140 cm)

Juni til september: NT $ 300 (over 140 cm) / NT $ 180 (100-140 cm)


Priserne kan ændre sig uden forudgående varsel. Kontroller venligst webstedet, eller se de satser på stedet.

Ingen dyr tilladt.

Der er et par ikke-kødindstillinger som tofu såvel som grøntsager.

For en gruppe på færre end fire personer er der et ekstra gebyr på $ 50 for brugen af ​​madlavningsredskaber.

Der er dog en tidsbegrænsning. Du kan glæde dig over ubegrænset mad i maksimalt 150 minutter eller 2 1/2 hours.

The BBQ zone is open up until 9PM on Saturdays as well as Sundays.

Hvor kan jeg komme i kontakt med administrationen for endnu flere undersøgelser?

Address: No. 469-13, Sanfeng Road, Houli District, Taichung City, Taiwan

Landline: 04-2557-6926

Email: flower.js@msa.hinet.net

Official Website: www.flowerjs.com.tw

Andre chung-hun blomstermarkedstips

Don your finest OOTD for a profile-worthy photo. however likewise guarantee you are using comfortable clothes as well as footwear.

Bring sun security or apply sunscreen lotion/cream.

Be mindful of other people. As much as possible, don’t take as well much time taking photos. let others delight in the area too.

Have your mobile phones charged full or bring a power bank.

Bring your own refillable water container to keep yourself hydrated.

Where to stay in Taichung

If you choose to make Taichung City your base, right here are a few of the close-by hotels as well as lodges offered on Agoda.

Norden Ruder Hostel Taichung. inspect rates & Availability! ✅

Star Hostel Taichung Parklane. inspect rates & Availability! ✅

Loosha Hostel. inspect rates & Availability! ✅

Stray Birds Taichung Hostel. inspect rates & Availability! ✅

*Image courtesy of Agoda.

Search for much more Taichung Hotels!

2020 • 8 • 15

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