Top 9 Istanbul vacationer Attractions: A diy walking excursion

Istanbul has lots of off-the-beaten-path attractions, however don’t leave the city without seeing its top vacationer sites. They’re prominent for a reason. a lot of of these are part of the “Historic areas of Istanbul,” inscribed on the world Heritage listing in 1985. This path will take you on a excursion around these famous spots. It is a combination of walking as well as utilizing Istanbul’s pleasurable tram line.

Hvad er dækket i denne vejledning?

Preparing for this Tour
1. Grand bazaar (Kapalı Çarşı)
2. Blue Mosque (Sultan Ahmed Mosque)
3. Hippodrome of Constantinople (Sultanahmet Square)
4. Basilica Cistern
5. Hagia Sophia (Ayasofya)
6. Topkapi Palace
7. flavor bazaar (Mısır Çarşısı)
8. Galata Bridge (Galata Köprüsü)
9. Galata Tower (Galata Kulesi)
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Preparing for this Tour

This is a long excursion as well as will take an entire day. To prepare for this, take not of the following:

Spise morgenmad. This excursion starts from 8:30am as well as ends at nightfall. Make sure you have had breakfast before starting the tour.

Wear a great pair of walking shoes. All stops in this path is linked by the T1 Bağcılar- Kabataş tram, a however I suggest that you do some parts on foot so you might see a lot more of the city at a slower pace.

Get connected. This is a do-it-yourself tour, which indicates that you will not have a excursion guide to show you around. Instead, I strongly suggest that you make sure you’re linked so you might quickly get a lot more info on the internet must you stumble upon something that catches your attention.

Istanbul’s new Mosque at sunset

Wear long pants as well as top with sleeves. You will be checking out a mosque with a strict gown code. a lot more details below.

Beware of scams. like a lot of touristy cities, Istanbul has its share of people trying to take advantage of unsuspecting visitors. always be mindful of your possessions as well as surroundings. a lot more info here: top 5 Istanbul Scams.

Don’t fail to remember to have lunch. Although this path doesn’t have a lunch stop, don’t fail to remember to stop as well as refuel. You’ll discover restaurants around the area. What we did though was just munch on street food every now as well as then, so we never truly felt hungry.

1. Grand bazaar (Kapalı Çarşı)

Nearest tram station: Beyazıt-Kapalıçarşı
Entrance fee: FREE
Opening hours: Mondays-Saturdays 08:30am-7pm

The path starts at the Grand Bazaar, one of the oldest covered markets in the world. To get here, you may take the T1 Bağcılar-Kabataş tram to Beyazıt-Kapalıçarşı station. It’s just a short walk from there. (The bazaar is on your ideal if you’re coming from Kabatas.)

Grand Bazaar
Inside Grand Bazaar
This huge labyrinthine market homes 61 streets under one roof, harboring around 3000 shops, selling a large variety of products. rugs as well as lamps are two of the most common. The building of this massive site began in 1455 ideal after the Ottomans had taken over the city.

It is simple to get lost here. If you have an Web connection as well as a Google maps app, you must be fine. You can walk to the next stop (which is the Sultanahmet Mosque). If not, just exit where you went into so you might discover your method back to the tram station. then get off at the Sultanahmet Station.

2. Blue Mosque (Sultan Ahmed Mosque)

Nearest tram station: Sultanahmet
Admission Fee: FREE

Blue Mosque
Coming from the Grand Bazaar, you’ll really pass with the Hippodrome of Constantinople to get to Sultanahmet Mosque. However, I’m putting the mosque ahead of the square since of its challenging schedule. The mosque is a working home of worship, which indicates that they have to close it to tourists during prayer, which occurs five times a day (from sunrise up until nightfall). Each pray time lasts 90 minutes.

The mosque available to tourists at these times:

The mosque opens at these times:
The mosque closes at these times:




I’m putting this ahead so you would understand what to do. If you show up in the area when it’s available to tourists, perfect. Go inside the mosque. If it’s closed when you get there, check out the square as well as most likely the Basilica Cistern very first as well as then come back when it’s open. You can come at least 30 minutes before opening time so you have time to check out the outside of the building.

The Sultanahmet Mosque is a lot more casually referred to as Blue Mosque for the blue tiles that dominate its interior. It was named after Ahmed I, who ruled the city when it was developed between 1609 as well as 1616. He had it built as a testament to the Ottoman power, symbolically putting it between the Hippodrome of Constantinople as well as the Hagia Sophia. Marrying the Byzantine Christian as well as standard Islamic designs, the mosque is crowned with 13 domes (5 huge as well as 8 smaller) asgodt som seks minareter.

Inde i den blå moske se på disse kupler!
Dress code ved Sultanahmet -moskeen
Vær opmærksom på disse, når du kommer ind i moskeen.

Fjern dine sko, inden du går ind i moskeen. De leverer en lille plastikpose, hvor du kan lægge dine sko. Der er ligeledes lidt åbne skabe, hvor du midlertidigt kan placere din plast.

Følg kjole -koden ovenfor. For mænd skal du sørge for at bære lange bukser. For kvinder skal du bære noget, der kan dække under knæene såvel som at dække dit hoved. Du kan ligeledes få et hoveddækning ved indgangen (gratis).

Ingen flashfotografering.

3. Hippodrome af Konstantinopel (Sultanahmet Square)

Nærmeste sporvognsstation: Sultanahmet
Indgangsgebyr: Gratis
Åbningstider: Hele tiden

Sultanahmet Square
Lige uden for den blå moske ligger Hippodrome af Konstantinopel, meget mere populært kaldet i dag som Sultanahmet Square. Ordet hippodrome indikerer faktisk ”hestevej” på græsk. Webstedet var en heste såvel som vogn racing placering i den byzantinske æra.

En række historiske artefakter klarer det stadig her, inklusive obelisken af ​​Thutmose III, den indhegnede obelisk såvel som slangekolonnen.

Tysk springvand. I den nordlige ende af pladsen er den tyske springvand, et neo-byzantinsk lysthus med ottekantet kuppel såvel som guldmosaikker. Det blev lavet i Tyskland blev imidlertid senere transporteret til Istanbul i 1898. Dette var stedet for bombningen af ​​12. januar 2016, mindre end en måned før mit besøg. Det var virkelig temmelig frysende, da jeg var lige her på trods af at forekomsten blev frisk i alles hukommelse. Der var dog ingen bekymringer omkring. (Hvis folk var bange, ville de ikke være her.) Men jeg følte mig lidt urolig.

Obelisk af Theodosius. Oprindeligt forstået som obelisk af Thutmose III, blev det først opført ved Karnak-templekomplekset i Egypten under kommando af Farao Thutmose III, der regerede mellem 1479-26 f.Kr. I år 357 havde den romerske kejser Constantius II imidlertid overført til Alexandria. I 390 bragte kejseren Theodosius imidlertid den fantastiske den til Konstantinopel. For at gøre det fik han det skåret i tre stykker. I dag overlever kun den øverste tredjedel.

Slangekolonne. Hvad folk nu telefonopkalder “slange -kolonne” var virkelig bare en del af stativet i Plataea, et monument udviklet ved Temple of Apollo i Delphi for at fejre grækerne sejr over perserne under de persiske krige. Kejser Constantine fik den overført til Konstantinoples Hippodrome. Den originale struktur havde en gylden skål på toppen, understøttet af tre slanger. Kun ligene af slangerne, der udvikler en søjle, ophold i dag. Skålen blev stjålet af de fjerde korsfarere såvel som slangernes hoveder blev ødelagt efter det 17. århundrede.

Walled obelisk. Stående på den sydlige ende af pladsen blev 32 m -muret obelisk udviklet fra skårne sten, dekoreret med bronzeplaques samt toppet med en sfære. Det blev oprettet under ordrer fra Konstantin VII. Imidlertid blev plaques smeltet under de fjerde korstog i 1204.

4. Basilica cistern

Nærmeste sporvognsstation: Sultanahmet
Indgangsgebyr: Prøv 10
Midt-april til 9. til 18. september,
November til midten af ​​april 9 til 17:30

Hvis du ikke forstod om dette på forhånd, ville du sandsynligvis gå glip af dette. Basilica -cisternen, der kaldes det nedsænkede palads, er den største af de mange gamle cisterner under Istanbul. Den byzantinske kejser Justinian havde over 7000 slaver bygget disse underjordiske strukturer efter de ødelæggende optøjer på 532.

5. Hagia Sophia (Ayasofya)

Nærmeste sporvognsstation: Sultanahmet
Indgangsgebyr: Prøv 30
15. april-25 oktober 09: 00-19: 00,
25. oktober-15 april 09: 00- 17:00

Hagia Sophia
Måske det mest berømte vartegn i Tyrkiet, Hagia Sophia kan ses som et mikrokosmos af Istanbul. Det var i første omgang en kristen kirke: ortodoks kristen katedral fra 537-1204, 1261-1453, under det byzantinske imperium; Romersk-katolsk katedral fra 1204-1261, under det latinske imperium. Det blev derefter omdannet til en kejserlig moske under såvel som efter det osmanniske imperium (1453-1931). I 1935 blev det imidlertid konverteret til et museum (Ayasofya Müzesi).

Ofte betragtet som et af de største eksempler på byzantinsk arkitektur, har den en gigantisk kuppel, der dækker marmorsøjler såvel som detaljerede mosaikker. Det var ligeledes den største katedral i verden fra dens færdiggørelse til 1520, formørket af Sevilla -katedralen i Spanien.

Hagia Sophia
Inside Hagia Sophia
Inside Hagia Sophia
Inside Hagia Sophia
Inside Hagia Sophia
Some parts of the interior was still under reconstruction/restoration during my visit. A huge scaffolding occupied nearly a third of the site. Lit chandeliers hang from the majestic ceiling, with the dome’s windows enabling filtered lights in. connected to the columns are gigantic medallions bearing the names of Allah, Muhammad, as well as the very first four caliphs among others. These were added in 1847-49 during the restoration bought by Sultan Abdülmecid.

You would understand it wasn’t originally a mosque since the mihrab (prayer niche) was developed inside the apse at an angle. The mihrab need to always deal with the Mecca as well as the apse was developed without thinking about that since it was a Christian church at first.

Don’t fail to remember to go as much as the second level, where you might see outstanding wall artworks as well as mosaics that survived the lots of transformations of the place. Go peek out one of the windows as well as you’ll likewise see the blue Mosque.

6. Topkapi Palace

Nærmeste sporvognsstation: Sultanahmet
Indgangsgebyr: Prøv 30
October 26-April 15 9am-4:45pm
April 15 – October 26 9am – 6:45pm

Topkapi Palace
From Hagia Sophia, there will be indications that will lead you to Topkapi Palace, one of the residences of the sultans during the Ottoman rule. Sultan Mehmed II, who took manage of the city from the Byzantine, bought its building in 1459. Today, it is a huge museum complex, which may take rather a long time if you want to check out a lot of of it. a few of the most treasured artifacts inside are the cloak as well as sword of Muhammed, among other relics thought about holy in Islam.

The a lot of appealing part of the palace for me was the Harem, a 400-room building which sheltered the sultan’s mom (the Valide Sultan or Queen Mother), the sultan’s wives as well as concubines, as well as the rest of his family.

7. flavor bazaar (Mısır Çarşısı)

Nearest tram station: Eminönü
Indgangsgebyr: Gratis
Opening hours: Mon-Sat 8am-6pm, sun 8am-7pm

After your go to to Topkapi Palace, make your method to Gülhane station (or if you take the exit near Hagia Sophia, make your method back to Sultanahmet Station), as well as board the tram. get off at Eminönü Station. You’ll see the sensational new Mosque behind you if you’re dealing with the water. next to it is an unassuming building, the flavor Bazaar.

Spice Bazaar
Turkish Delights
Spice bazaar is referred to as Mısır Çarşısı in the vernacular, which actually equates to Egyptian Bazaar. The reason: it was developed in 1660 utilizing the incomes from the eyalets (primary administrative division of the Ottoman Empire) in Egypt. The covered market cradles 80 shops selling mainly spices, dried fruits, cheese, as well as other products. however what a lot of tourists come right here for is the Turkish pleasure (lokum), a wonderful delicacy based on a gel of sugar as well as starch. The confection is available in lots of flavors, however I have discovered the ordinary ones the best-tasting.

8. Galata Bridge (Galata Köprüsü)

When you emerge from the flavor bazaar, all you requirement to do is comply with the aroma of fried fish as well as you’ll get to the next stop.

Crowd thickens as the sun sets
One of the lots of fish stalls as well as restaurants
The Galata Bridge not only links the two sides of the golden Hors however likewise serves as a fishing area for locals. You’ll discover a great deal of them lined up on the bridge, waiting on their next catch. For tourists, it is a best perspective to enjoy the sunrise. however for this tour, it is where you’ll get your stomach refilled.

You’ll discover a lane of restaurants under the bridge. as well as on the adjacent square, you’ll see docked boats serving fish sandwiches (among others).

9. Galata Tower (Galata Kulesi)

Nearest station: Karaköy
Admission Fee: try 25
Opening hours: 9am-8pm

View of Galata Tower from Topkapi Palace
One of the city’s a lot of recognizable icons, the Galata Tower is a medieval tower that sticks out from city’s skyline in the Karakoy side of the golden Horn. The Romanesque-style cylindrical stone building was erected in 1348 as Christea Turris (Tower of Christ). It has nine stories as well as is 66.9 meters tall, making its balcony a great viewpoint. using a 360-degree view of Istanbul, it enables you to enjoy the sun set behind the other side of the golden horn. From here, you can see the blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, as well as Hagia Sophia, as well as experience the city transform into a blanket of lights at nightfall.

View of Hagia Sophia as well as Blue Mosque from Galata Tower
Lovers at Galata Tower Cafe
Hagia Sophia at night as checked out from Galata Tower
Istanbul at night as seen from Galata Tower
It has to be noted that the queue can be long as well as the balcony overcrowded. There is likewise a cafe as well as restaurant on the top. We tried the cafe as well as was shocked that it was not that pricey. however the food was disappointing.

Where to stay: We stayed at Puffin Hostel (cheap as well as recommended), W Istanbul hotel (excellent as well as extremely recommende

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